Make your life more organized with Packbands


The Parent Strap

The Parent Strap

Everyone says that when they have a baby, they need to grow an extra hand. Two just doesn’t seem to be enough!

Hands to cradle the baby, change the diapers, hold the diaper bag, push the stroller, rock the bouncer, steady the bottle, dangle the toys, offer the pacifier. Moms and Dads need all of the baby's food, toys and supplies to be organized and handy. Within reach of the two hands. 

That’s where Packbands help you get more organized. 

Packbands make a great addition to baby accessories. Packbands on a stroller or bouncer can hold a binky or an activity toy. Been shopping? Attach bags to the handle. Tired of carrying a purse, sweater or diaper bag? Packband it to your stroller. Use a Packband to bundle diapers or strap it around a rolled blanket or changing pad. Going out for the day? Roll up a few outfits and Packband them. You – and baby – are ready to go!

Make life easier…Packbands can handle it.


Packbands adjustable organization and storage straps are a unique new product you can use to travel organized, store cords and cables at home and work and solve many storage and organization needs. Find out more at: