Make your life more organized with Packbands


Packbands Partners With The Grommet

Packbands Partners With The Grommet

Any entrepreneur/inventor knows that while they may love their product, until others agree, the creator has only made something they think is the best thing since sliced bread.

To have an idea validated by users and customers is the ultimate reward any entrepreneur can receive.

When we (Packbands founders Martha Spelman and Pete Evenson) began our Packbands product journey (you can read our backstory here), we thought Packbands sounded like a good idea and definitely something we wanted and needed. Then our friends and family members jumped on board (we made sure they weren’t just being nice). Next, we began to get some press and traction, and customers (we didn’t know!) started buying and using Packbands.

But our most exciting relationship to date is our new partnership with The Grommet. The Grommet says they are "on a mission to fundamentally change the way people launch, discover, share, and purchase products." The Grommet further describes itself as “The place to discover and shop innovative products from local Makers and small businesses."

The Grommet reviews thousands (that’s right, thousands) of products each year. From those thousands, they select only 3% of the products to feature on their site.

So…while we may think Packbands are special, it’s great to know The Grommet thinks so too! 

Check out Packbands on The Grommet site here.