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It Can be a Job Finding a Co-worker’s Holiday Gift

It Can be a Job Finding a Co-worker’s Holiday Gift

You see each other five days a week. You labor side-by-side. But you don’t have a clue what to buy him or her for the holidays.


Some offices play the White Elephant Game, in other offices employees choose names for a Secret Santa gift exchange and yet others make it a complete free-for-all, often with many disappointed gift recipients…another gift to toss away (or give to some other unlucky recipient at next year’s gift exchange).


If your office is having a White Elephant exchange, they’ve probably designated a minimum amount to spend, say $25. Spend it. There’s nothing worse than being the player who ends up with the thrift shop special. When shopping for your gift, think practical and not personal. This is a gift for someone else, not for you. Just because you love that Disney tchotchke or Harley beanie, doesn’t mean someone else will. A gift card, while less a target of humor, will be a more well-received gift (and probably the fought-over gift).


If your office gift giving plan is a free-for-all, grab-bag style, be kind. Purchase a gift that someone, of either gender, could appreciate. Again, a gift card to a store like Target or Amazon, fits everyone. You don’t want to gift something that’s headed straight for the landfill.


Playing Secret Santa? The best approach is more organized: have each employee list three items they’d like (or interests they have) on an index card. Fold the card in half and have each employee draw a card. There should also be a suggested minimum to spend. Again, spend it. Don’t skimp here. In a small office, it’s sometimes easy to figure out who your secret Santa was.


Each of these approaches to co-workers' holiday gifts can be fun…and funny! Do your part by shopping thoughtfully and maximize the budget dictated.


Still stumped about what to get? Packbands storage and organization straps are the perfect holiday gift for the hobbyist man, yogi woman and the traveler or organizer in all of us! The Packbands 3-Pack (try all sizes) is under $20 and available on Amazon Prime or direct from Packbands -- where FREE shipping is available through the holidays!